Google Drive Storage: Pricing and Assigning in the New Admin Panel

Google Drive has enhanced the power of Google Apps by allowing users to store files from their computer in the cloud by simply dragging & dropping files into the designated Google Drive folder. With this ability, users may want to store a collection of files greater than the unified 30 GB of data storage. If you have users like this in your organization, don’t worry, additional storage is available and can now be managed via the Admin Control Panel! Let’s take a look at how to assign the storage space below.

Google Drive Storage Pricing

If users are in need of additional storage on top of the provided 30 GB, review the pricing list below to see the amount of storage provided and the costs associated. Billing will be done on a monthly basis.

Assigning Google Drive Storage Licenses

Once your reseller has enabled Google Drive storage on your account, you’ll have the ability to assign the storage licenses to your users. These licenses are managed from within your Admin Control Panel.
To access the Google Drive Storage license management portion of the Admin Control panel, simply click on the ‘Billing‘ icon. 

Locate the Google Drive Storage section and click on ‘Manage Licenses‘ on the right hand side.

After clicking on ‘Manage Licenses,’ you will be brought to the ‘Unassigned Users‘ section of the license management page. Here, you will be able to select individual users or organizations that require additional storage. You can also search for individual users by entering their email address in the search bar. If you select an organizational unit as the recipient of additional storage, only that org unit and the users within will each receive additional storage licenses. Child/Sub orgs are not included, they will need to be selected per org.

If you have assigned Google Drive Storage licenses to users and wish to reassign these licenses, click on the ‘Assigned Users‘ tab and select the user(s) from which you would like to remove the storage licenses. These licenses will now be available for you to redistribute to other users.

The last tab that you will see is the ‘Manage Licenses‘ tab. From here, you will be able to view the amount of licenses that you are currently managing, manage automatic license assignment, and assign bulk licenses to users via a .CSV file.

Now that you have the ability to provide users in your domain with additional Google Drive storage, the possibilities are endless when it comes to accessing your data. Will you be enabling additional Google Drive Storage licenses for your domain? Let us know in the comment section below. Also, please give this post a +1 if you found it informative!

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