Google Workspace Sandbox Benefits for Change Management & Security


October is Cyber Security Awareness month and one of the best practices for any system is to have a sandbox instance. Some people call these labs or demo systems but the purpose of the sandbox is a place to experiment that isn’t your production environment.

Google Workspace, for example, is a complex system with a lot of moving parts and constant updates. Setting up a sandbox lets you have a place where you can test changes without impacting your production environment. Not certain if your settings will impact something else, want to develop complicated DLP rules safely, need to implement SSO without users screaming, and much much more?

A sandbox is the perfect place to work out these types of issues. With a sandbox, you can work on the process, document the steps, and be well prepared for the impact in your production system.

As your Google Premier Partner, Dito can help you get a Google Workspace sandbox at no extra charge.

Kevin McGrail
Dito | Principal Evangelist

Kevin is the principal evangelist for Dito helping companies migrate, modernize & scale with Google Cloud. He specializes in network, e-mail, and business privacy and security. As a cloud specialist, he is a Google Workspace Top Contributor, Google Workspace Developer Experts, and Google Workspace Ambassador. He is also a member expert of the U.S. Marine Corps Cyber Auxiliary.

View KAM’s LinkedIn & CV here.

Evan Schmidt
Dito | Cloud Engineer

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